Highly Reliable Organisations & Highly Reliable People

Building Strategic Prevention

for Cybersecurity & Digitalising People

"We make Strategic Prevention a second nature"

Thibierge & Companies.

Welcome to our website which is in itself a valuable resource for your worklife !

We hope you will discover and enjoy what you find here.

Best wishes !

Thibierge & Companies brings cybersecurity innovations to market and works with a tight networks of cybersecurity pure players.

Innovations with positive societal impacts, innovations with a purpose.

Technical acumen, behaviour reliability, balanced lifestyle and trauma-awareness are regarded as cornerstone values for our end-customers.

European networks and Business Development are key, but our taste for cyber goes far beyond. Through mentoring women in Women4Cyber (EU) and WiCys (worldwide) we maintain a non ethnocentric view of cybersecurity.

You can contact us for information reasons, to share your knowledge & perspectives and to stretch each other's vision.

Subjects that interest us are the economics of cybersecurity, cyber business globalization, the pitfalls of cybersecurity's market, new sales approaches or delivery approaches, changing the rules in HR management, remote working in cyber, peer to peer training in cyber etc ....

Thibierge & Companies met sur le marché des innovations en matière de cybersécurité et travaille avec un réseau resserré de pure players de la cybersécurité.

Des innovations ayant un impact sociétal positif, des innovations qui font sens.

La perspicacité technique, la fiabilité du comportement, un style de vie équilibré et la sensibilisation aux traumatismes sont considérés comme des valeurs fondamentales pour nos clients finaux.

Les réseaux européens et le développement commercial sont essentiels, mais notre goût pour le cyber va bien au-delà. Grâce au mentorat des femmes au sein de Women4Cyber (UE) et WiCys (dans le monde entier), nous maintenons une vision non ethnocentrique de la cybersécurité.

Vous pouvez nous contacter pour des raisons d'information, pour partager vos connaissances et vos points de vue et élargir la vision de chacun.

Les sujets qui nous intéressent sont l'économie de la cybersécurité, la globalisation des sociétés de cyber, les écueils du marché de la cybersécurité, de nouvelles approches commerciales ou de services, l'évolution des règles dans le management des Ressources Humaines, le travail à distance dans la cyber, la formation entre pairs dans la cyber etc....

"Actually people matter as much as, if not more than, technology. Technology, in fact, can create a false sense of security. It’s about ethos. It’s about culture. It’s about how you man, train, and equip your organization, how you structure it, the operational concepts that you apply". Extract from the article : "Cybersecurity’s Human Factor: Lessons from the Pentagon"

Thibierge & Companies. strives to make your organisation or startup a Highly Reliable Organisation (HRO) with Highly Reliable People (HRP).

We believe Human Resilience is the cornerstone of HROs.

We build Resilience among Cybersecurity & Digitalising People : individually & collectively.

Our concept is a smarter working approach grounded on ancient knowledge of the human harmony and longevity, making you sense & experience the cyberspace with wisdom.

No other business as ever found solutions like ours for Worklife's Harmony, minimization of Human Errors et drastic reduction of Internal Malice.

Our Consulting and Coaching addresses both businesses and individuals.

Extract from the article : "Cybersecurity’s Human Factor: Lessons from the Pentagon"

The clear lesson here is that people matter as much as, if not more than, technology. (Technology, in fact, can create a false sense of security.) Cyberdefenders need to create “high-reliability organizations”—by building an exceptional culture of high performance that consistently minimizes risk. “We have to get beyond focusing on just the tech piece here,” Admiral Mike Rogers, who oversees the U.S. Cyber Command, has said. “It’s about ethos. It’s about culture. [It’s about] how you man, train, and equip your organization, how you structure it, the operational concepts that you apply.”

From Harvard Business Review the September 2015 Issue


A new way of managing cybersecurity staff

Cybersecurity management needs immediate rethinking.

Resilience of staff is at stake. Loyalty & turnover are also problematical.

Go to pages More Women in Cyber, On Premise Staff Care & Resilience Breaks in Carnac to see how we ask the better questions concerning cybersecurity careers & staff resilience.

For CONSULTING SERVICES prices start at 30€ per half hour.


Addressing businesses on account of their cybersecurity procurement

Making cybersecurity simple and easy to small companies, to associations or even to individuals.

Thibierge & Companies. helps businesses purchase cybersecurity and cyber startups be known.

Go to page CyberStartups Promotion and Small Businesses Advisory to see how we ask the better questions concerning local business cyber awareness and involvement.

For ADVISING SERVICES prices start at 30€ per half hour.


Making your network "work for You"

Never believe you are alone, lost in the middle and have no clue how to address your environment.

Every ecosystem can be discovered and played with. One needs OSINT sources plus a bit of "savoir-être" to setup good & long term business contacts.

Thibierge & Companies. knows how to create allies for your business, and for You as a person.

Go to pages Networking to make your network "work for You".

For NETWORKING SERVICES prices start at 50€ per introduction.

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